We will blog to the best of our ability to give you updates. First, we need to discuss something real quick.
So, you all have a lot of questions. WE UNDERSTAND! But please, please, please do not get annoyed with us. There are only 11 of us and we are scattered across the world. Just so you guys get an idea of the work load that the 11 of us are trying to handle right now...
· We have hundreds (if not a thousand) entry forms to sort through - currently 75 unread entry forms have come over in the last 3 hours
· We can't communicate that easily - we are in different time zones so for us all to discuss something is not as easy as you may think so sometimes we may need to wait a few hours until we hear from one another.
· We are promoting nonstop meaning that Twitter, emails, social networking are taking up a large portion of our time right now. There can’t be a movie if no one knows about it right?!? PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE (yes you reading this, go on Twitter right now and tweet J )
· We have to file, edit, organize pics, videos, meet ups, any and everything you can imagine to ensure everything stays on track to be completed on time.
· We are trying to live our daily lives on top of this project. Some of us have school, work full-time, have prior engagements (CHECK OUT SHANNON’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!
Those are just some of the things we are working on this week, and we are just getting started. The amount this project has grown is incredible and we are beyond excited to have so many people being a part of this wonderful experience. #BELIEBERFAMILY
While the website does have newsletters and event information, we will try our best to give you a daily update. BEFORE SPAMMING US, PLEASE READ TO MAKE SURE YOUR QUESTION IS NOT ALREADY ANSWERED! I cannot stress enough how difficult it is to manage hundreds of emails, documents, and entries on top of answering all of your questions. Most of the questions we are receiving right now have been already answered on the website. Honestly, we are already receiving hate for not being able to answer emails in the time you want. We are trying our best, I promise you that. We want this to move along just as quickly as you do. With that said I'd like to address a few common questions:
1. NO ONE IS BEING CUT OUT - This is addressed on the website but I would like to address it again since it is constantly being asked. We are going to incorporate every person who enters in some way.
2. If you do not receive an answer to your email in 2 days, email us again. Please do not SPAM us on Twitter or with DMs. We are not intentionally ignoring anyone, we might have just overlooked your email by accident.
3. To get involved, fill out the answers to the questions and email them to us. "Entry Form" at the type of this blog.
4. We are not looking for new team members but that does not mean we do not want your help. Off the top of my head I know there are people who have entered from India, Portugal, and Canada. None of our team members are located there. We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you been a representative for your area. If you are interested please email info@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.com with the subject "Team Representative"
5. Before asking "What do I have to do?" PLEASE read the website. The current task is listed there.
With that all being said, let's discuss the status of the movie. Right now all we are asking from you is to do the following: send us any concert footage or pics - anything you have that might be useful for the movie. We will keep this stuff on file. The "Current Task" is to film yourself and your reaction to Justin's first YouTube video as if it was the first time you were watching it. The deadline for this is April 12th. Please note that you do not need to do every task - you may participant in as many or as few as you would like. The length of this video does not matter. We will be editing everything on our own. Tonight, all the 70+ entries we have received in the last few hours will be responded to. For now, just sit tight and PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE. Follow us all on twitter. Think we can get #youdontknowbeliebersthemovie trending? I think we should give it a try tomorrow. Tweet all day. RT everyone. Let's get Justin's team to notice what we are doing here.
Love ya all!